We are happy to announce that our session “Integrative studies of the River-Sea-Continuum” will be continued at the European Geosciences Union’s (EGU) General Assembly, taking place from April 7-12, 2019 in Vienna. Several scientists associated with DANUBIUS-RI contributed to the set-up of this session, which clearly embraces the DANUBIUS-RI vision, at the previous EGU’s General Assembly in 2018.
This session provides a scientific platform for exchange of findings from research that addresses the entire continuum of river and sea. We invite studies across geographical borders, along the freshwater-marine water continuum, and interdisciplinary studies that integrate physical, chemical, biological, geological observations/experiments, and modelling, and those that span the traditional silos of natural and social sciences.
We are looking forward to EGU’s General Assembly in 2019, as well as to many interesting contributions and respective discussions in the session “Integrative Studies of the River-Sea Continuum”.
Abstracts to be submitted by 10 January 2019.