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8th Steering Committee, BGR & Mid-Term Review Meetings in Barcelona

In early September three meetings took place in Barcelona. First was the 8thmeeting of the Steering Committee with the main business preparing for the two important meetings that followed. Members of the Steering Committee took part in the Mid Term Review meeting, at which the Work Package leaders made presentations and answered questions from our EC Project Officer and EC-appointed Monitor. The successful outcome of the Review is reported in Pongo’s Platform.
This was followed by the first meeting of the Board of Governmental Representatives (BGR), composed of governmental and scientific representatives of each country. BGR has a critical role in developing statutes, agreed by all countries, to fast-track our application for ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) status. BGR voted Viorel Vulturescu (Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation) as Chair and Dirk Engelbart (German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) as Vice Chair.  BGR will hold its second meeting in Cork in December.
Many thanks to our colleagues at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia for hosting the meetings.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 739562.