⇢ Members Area

WP6 – DANUBIUS Commons

Quality and consistency in the outputs from the RI will be assured through the DANUBIUS-Commons in WP6.

The objective of this Work Package is to develop the DANUBIUS Commons, the overall set of common standards, protocols and rules to be implemented throughout the RI. The DANUBIUS Commons will build on best internationally accepted standards to ensure the compatibility of work methodologies and data throughout the entire Research Infrastructure. In this way the Commons will ensure comparable data sets across the RI and continuing excellence in sampling, data acquisition, sample and data processing and reporting. A quality assurance panel comprising all Node leaders will be established supervising the involvement of high level methodologies and multi-disciplinary expertise within DANUBIUS-RI. This will ensure that data has maximum value for all science, policy and societal groups. The Commons will provide the standard to which all new partners must adhere, facilitating the integration of DANUBIUS-RI with complementary RIs and programmes.


Key Tasks in WP6:

  • T6.1. Reviewing current scientific and technical state of the art
  • T6.2. Principles
  • T6.3. Criteria
  • T6.4. Integration and cooperation
  • T6.5. Benchmarking
  • T6.6. Impact

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 739562.